Saturday 13 August 2011

The Perfect Guy...

There was this fine evening in April 2009 where I had concluded that "The perfect man just doesn't exist!"

I was wrong. Dead wrong. It's amusing when I get proven wrong. This time...I am grateful that I am wrong.

And how do you know? You just do. And when you do, you don't find any "Buts" in them. Even not those "buts" that sneak at the very back of your mind, and that you sometimes choose to ignore it. Everything just fits or falls into place and always unexpectedly. And time will never be an issue. And the best part would be that the other person feels exactly the same way about you as you do about them. It would be terrifying and exciting all at the same time, and yes, it would seem too good to be true. Self pinching helps to ensure that you're actually living in reality. =P

I have learnt after years of countless relationships, which mostly didn't end well, that you can't expect a person to change in a relationship. It's all about expectations and if your expectations fits the other person, and if the other person's expectations fit you. It's always a two way street. And to wait for a person to change, mostly ends up in resentments. If it was right, it would have been right from the start. Learn how to walk away from wrong relationships, and learn how to walk fast.

He or she does exist. Question is, do you hold out long enough to find what you've always been looking for or do you settle for less? Obviously many of us tend to wonder if we were never destined to find the right person to share our lives with especially after many heartaches and tend to either give in to familiarity and give up altogether or change our requirements so that we don't end up alone. I am no different. There were times when I lower my requirements and thought maybe compromise and tolerance is what is needed. And yes, I almost did give up.

Fate works in funny ways. Maybe not everyone is destined to find the Perfect Soulmate. But every decision is a gamble or a leap of faith. Open your eyes, open your heart, do not wait idly by, take action, but know what you want. And maybe ask hard enough, and you might just receive.

For once, I am nobody's lesson. And nobody is my lesson. 

P/S: Dear god, you must have been listening hard. Whether it was fate or just pure coincidence, I am very grateful. Now how about that winning lottery ticket? =P