Monday 26 October 2009

Will You Be My Bread Friend?

Yes, I the time passes by, my blog titles start sounding totally weird.

Am excited - as I usually am.

I have started taking up certain small hobbies recently, doing some of the things that I've never been able to do, afraid to try, but secretly wanting to learn. For instance, I am starting to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. I am musically challenged/ deaf by the way. You will rarely see me sing in a KTV. And when I do, it means that I probably had to douse myself with alcohol because I did not really want to remember if beer glasses cracked due to my uneven pitch. And when I was eight, I took piano lessons - painstakingly trying to understand what the heck notes were. Needless to say, I was not very inspired. And when my first exams came, I dropped out from classes and never resumed. Need I say more?

But surprisingly, am really starting to enjoy strumming my lil red guitar (of course, it helps to be in the privacy of my own home!). I had some complaints in the beginning - my fingers hurt, my hands were too small, my strumming was crap, there was no rhythm, blah blah...and I realized I actually had this fear of making music, and worst still, be heard making it. It took some encouragement and help from someone, some time, more practice, and two favourite songs - Home by Daughtry and one that will go unnamed for good reasons. =P But now, I can now sit here for hours with my slowly harden fingertips (yes, now nudges with these power fingers will be very painful indeed!) and attempt to get the sounds right. It is hard, but not as Impossible as I had imagined it to be.

And, I have just thought out a new hobby for myself. Am going to learn how to BAKE!!!! (Yes, am trying to catch up with the years of "domestication" that I seem to lack, but no, not really..haha..) 

So, once again, I ask,  "Will you be my Bread Friend?"

As my official Bread Friend, I pledge and promise to send some edible, hopefully nice, definitely healthy, hot loaves of homemade bread or cake to you, once I get the overpowering urge to bake in large quantities. It would be a waste to leave it to just ME, Myself and I. In return, I hope you'll enjoy them and leave me some comments on taste, texture and smell for my future improvement. Its a win win situation unless of course, it turns out to be one hard rock bread/ cake, to which on the bright side, you could always use as a weapon for future purse snatchers or robbers.

So, any takers? 

Note:- Only available in Klang Valley. haha. 

Sunday 18 October 2009

"What is your deepest fear?"

Indeed - its a great question. Do you ever ask yourself that?

As quoted from Coach Carter played by Samuel L. Jackson.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine as children do. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsiously give other people the permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Profound, ain't it?

My deepest fears? Mmmmm, its an easy answer which encompasses everything - "Not living and loving life hard enough."

Tuesday 13 October 2009

The Dust Starts to Settle!

It has just been 65 days since I came back from Beijing and 11 days since my guy said his goodbyes to all things familiar (including me *sobBBB*) to him in his 30 day stay with me.

It has been a busy good two months for me, but yes, the dust has finally started to settle down.

As I blog, am sitting here in my study room, eating one of the tropical delights of my country - honey nangka (aka jackfruit) bought in Tesco for RM6 (pretty expensive huh!). It's one of the tastiest fruit that I've ever sunk my teeth into. I swear I can finish the whole pack (9-10 pieces inside) and probably a second pack in one night alone. Am trying to recall what other fruits that I'm so crazily in love with (Sorry, babes....hehe), and the only answer that I come up with is, watermelon and the pink jambu. But am not so crazy about them, but honey nangka, whoo weee.... I made such frequent stops to my previous local fruit shop to enquire on their availability, that they asked me to leave my phone number. Go try some yourself. You'll love it but remember, HONEY nangka and not the normal ones.

Am done with most of my unpacking, YAY!!!!! Except still for the kitchen - am still cooking on temporary hobs. Don't ask, it's a long long story. It's a pretty small condo - probably about 600sq ft with a open space area for the kitchen, one bathroom, and two rooms which one has already been turned into a study room/ partial store. Those who have been to my previous house would understand the amount of junk that I have - and yes, I officially hate moving, and dread the day that I would have to move away from this little place of mine. Honestly, I got this place because it had great facilities - Gym, Squash Courts, Swimming pool!!!

P/s: My future visitors would either have to bunk right next to me in my bed (Disclaimer: Provided its not already filled up by my darling!) or the sofa. And my sofa is BIG! (Yes, my sofa - not my bed! Better that, than my bed...haha....) Hmm, I still wonder if I should have a housewarming, or maybe a BBQ party at the swimming pool. (Sorry guys, the gals will not be decked out in bikinis much to your disappointment!). Hmmmmm...

ANYWAYS, today, Nemo officially has two new partners in crime - a Coral Banded Shrimp and a Sailfin Tang. (Yes, I have a two feet saltwater aquarium at home! My own little piece of the ocean.) I had always wanted to put an end to Nemo's lonely bachelor life. He didn't seem too appreciative about it today. Ever got attacked by Nemo before? Well, I did - NUMEROUS times this evening. And it actually did hurt. Yes, I am such a baby but talk about literally "Biting the hand that feeds you". I would have thought that such a small little thing like that would have fear for hands 10 times bigger than him, mind you, both of my hands were in the tank, but NOoOOOo, he went for them anyways. Small kids bully me, and apparently, small fishes as well.

As we speak, Nemo is suspiciously eyeing the shrimp, bobbing up and down from a safe distance. I hope the Sailfin survives her seven days quarantine. She was playing dead in the first five minutes in her makeshift home - a red pail. Sea creatures are such fascinating creatures - I could sit for hours watching them.

My days recently have been very focused on establishing a comfy zone. Am trying to get some sense of routine into my life these couple of days in preparation for a bigger "purpose". And yes, am also trying to fill up the empty space left behind by a certain someone. It was nice having someone in the house to bump into, to say good morning and good night to, to share a tea session or ice cream session with, to listen to various random unexpected noises and expressions all day and night, to have a smile returned, to watch him sleep peacefully next to me.....Yeah, I definitely got used to the good life.

It is more difficult than I thought it would be to get used to this quietness in the house - I leave the music in the daytime blaring loudly and proceed with my day, and yet, it still doesn't feel the same. Something is missing, someone is missed.

But life still goes on - we both have things to accomplish at our side of the world. Until then, patience is the key word.

All good things come to those who wait. And thus, I shall wait.

What???!! Again???!!! ^%!#$!# Argghh!!!!

I am only kidding. haha. Of course, I shall wait - Anything for you, Babes.
(Hopefully, not for too long. Come back, come back where ever you are! =P)

Friday 2 October 2009

The Best 30 Days Yet in 2009!

Its the 30th Day today.

It's hard to describe what I feel. My brain is a bit dull with just 3 hours of sleep. And am trying to avoid any hard menial thinking but there's this sneaky feeling that soon I will get hit by a bus of feelings when I get back home - alone by myself.

Yes, I know - there I was screaming out new found joy of my freedom and independence, that it seems almost ridiculous that I will long for someone. But hell, I really do. Yes, the Impossible DOES happen, It DID happen, and It IS Happening. I had expected to be the Rule, and not the Exception. Some parts of me of course hoped to be the Exception, but I knew from experience that Expecting the Exception was not a wise thing. (Yes, how confusing!) And it was rather confusing to my defense, but somehow it's working out to be alright. For once, it's nice to be the Exception and not the Rule.

I've met someone. Sorry guys!

Sexiest creature alive - I must say. Am smiling as I type this. I can safely say that he's more of a man than I've ever met and probably ever will meet. How we met and how we found each other is an interesting story, and is definitely not one that is easily explainable. (And so with this disclaimer, I probably won't need to explain to friends and family????...haha...) Nothing is conventional about us - that's the fun and challenging part. We have our vast differences (words that I know he will love to hear me pronounce! Grrrr...) of course, but yet, so much similarity that it can be scary sometimes. And although there's no foreseen sure future waiting for us, but one thing I am certain of - He looks at me the same way I look at him.

And that alone, is enough said. I miss you, Babes...