Monday 26 October 2009

Will You Be My Bread Friend?

Yes, I the time passes by, my blog titles start sounding totally weird.

Am excited - as I usually am.

I have started taking up certain small hobbies recently, doing some of the things that I've never been able to do, afraid to try, but secretly wanting to learn. For instance, I am starting to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. I am musically challenged/ deaf by the way. You will rarely see me sing in a KTV. And when I do, it means that I probably had to douse myself with alcohol because I did not really want to remember if beer glasses cracked due to my uneven pitch. And when I was eight, I took piano lessons - painstakingly trying to understand what the heck notes were. Needless to say, I was not very inspired. And when my first exams came, I dropped out from classes and never resumed. Need I say more?

But surprisingly, am really starting to enjoy strumming my lil red guitar (of course, it helps to be in the privacy of my own home!). I had some complaints in the beginning - my fingers hurt, my hands were too small, my strumming was crap, there was no rhythm, blah blah...and I realized I actually had this fear of making music, and worst still, be heard making it. It took some encouragement and help from someone, some time, more practice, and two favourite songs - Home by Daughtry and one that will go unnamed for good reasons. =P But now, I can now sit here for hours with my slowly harden fingertips (yes, now nudges with these power fingers will be very painful indeed!) and attempt to get the sounds right. It is hard, but not as Impossible as I had imagined it to be.

And, I have just thought out a new hobby for myself. Am going to learn how to BAKE!!!! (Yes, am trying to catch up with the years of "domestication" that I seem to lack, but no, not really..haha..) 

So, once again, I ask,  "Will you be my Bread Friend?"

As my official Bread Friend, I pledge and promise to send some edible, hopefully nice, definitely healthy, hot loaves of homemade bread or cake to you, once I get the overpowering urge to bake in large quantities. It would be a waste to leave it to just ME, Myself and I. In return, I hope you'll enjoy them and leave me some comments on taste, texture and smell for my future improvement. Its a win win situation unless of course, it turns out to be one hard rock bread/ cake, to which on the bright side, you could always use as a weapon for future purse snatchers or robbers.

So, any takers? 

Note:- Only available in Klang Valley. haha. 

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