Tuesday 5 May 2009

Ji Hanzi Breakthrough!

Guess what!!! Some really sweet smelling pizza did walk pass me today. haha

I was sitting at the usual spot outside this small lil coffee shop on campus named Rambles having my only sinful ice chocolate and talking with some mates when this waiter walked past looking for the person who ordered it. I must have exclaimed too loudly, because he did a backstep and gave me an inquiring look. haha. Darn, a nice pizza about the size of an 8inch costs around RMB36 from La Vita Cafe....MmMm... my body is seriously hankering for some sinful actions.

Aside from the serious hankering, I think I may have found the answer to my seemingly inability to remember Hanzi. Today, I made full use of my time on the subway with my que cards which must have looked terribly retarded. Especially when the person carrying it has a Chinese face (yes, with somewhat blondish hair), wears summer shorts in spring, and somewhat whispers to herself. Why didn't I think of doing this earlier? (I meant the cuecards on the train instead of waiting for time to pass!) Surprisingly, the 35 minutes allowed me a somewhat better performance today at tingxue. =P Of course, I ran back to the heiban a second time to correct some words. haha. But at least.....

Now if I can only be self-disciplined enough to keep at it. =)

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