Sunday 3 May 2009

颐和园;Yihe yuan aka Summer Palace

What a HOT HOT HOT day! And what a packed packed day!

Yeah I should have expected it with Labor Day falling on last Friday. But I've been to Yiheyuan before in Mar'08, and it was only 1/3 of the crowd we encountered yesterday. The three of us were almost shuffling with a hand apart at certain sections of the gardens. I think I appreciate the fact that our plans to Xian fell through for this holidays. I can't imagine fighting for a spot to look at the Terracotta Warriors.

Still, although we spent almost half the day there, we still could not finish the whole walk around the lake. THANK GOD! I would have killed "SOMEONE" if really, he made us walk to the Seventeen Arch Bridge. haha. That was even further than the darn Tower of Buddhist Incense on top of the Longivity Hill. But we had great views from the Tower of Buddhist Incense, qouted to be the highest viewpoint in the Summer Palace.

YiHeYuan translated is known as Gardens of Nurtured Harmony, one of the famous landmarks in Beijing which was a summer resort for Empress Dowager Cixi, who seemingly took money supposed to be for the navy improvement to reconstruct the Summer Palace. She must have been one hell of a smart lady. She must have known that the dynasty would not last forever and instead dug into the coffers for herself.

Its well worth a visit, but please not on a public holiday! Am still nursing my blistered feet as of today.. :P

P/S: I am in love with the dim sum at one of the restaurants near the WuDaoKou subway station. RMB9 for one "loong". Yummy!

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