Friday 1 May 2009

Precious Moments In Life...

As much as I hate to admit it, I had fun on my birthday, two days ago. In truth, it's probably one of the most memorable birthday by far. =)

As a rule, I try not to make a big hoo hah out of my birthdays. Celebrations are usually small with a nice homecooked dinner with family, a romantic dinner with my loved one (it usually ends up not so romantic in the end, haha), or a fun restaurant outing with my girlfriends in Malaysia. If possible, I would just tiptoe around the day trying not to get so much attention. Why? Maybe its because of my age? mmmm..or more so maybe because I don't deal so well with so much attention concentrated in one day. Feel *Pai Siah* (hokian for embarassed) especially on birthdays. And YES, I was cowering in my small little corner in class when our dear Diao Lao Shi went, "jin tian seng rik kuai lek" and looked towards my direction. Then the whole class sang me a birthday song. Ah, so much for letting it go quietly...

My dear dear classmates suddenly turned a pre-planned class dinner and KTV session into my birthday celebration. (Psst, we actually have a few darn good singers in class!) And the few of us who were still up to further the night dropped by Propaganda. Its a coincidental Wednesday drink-all-you-like night with my favourite mai tais. And so, the night ended on a great note resulting in a pretty much drunk birthday girl who unsurprisingly could not make it to class the very next day. =P

To my friends who were with me during that night, it was a hilariously fun night! I love you guys. Thank you for the great company, for the surprise "bai hua" birthday cake and finally, for withstanding my horrendous singing. haha. KTV no more for me.

And to my family and friends loving me from afar, I miss you guys! Thanks for the many well wishes on facebook and msn. *muaks*muaks* =)

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