Tuesday 12 May 2009

Oh Woe is Me... =P

Wow.. I just finished showering and my nightly dose of supper, fruits of the season. Guess what?It's the end of the strawberry seasons BUT it's lychee season now! Whoooo hoooo.... The cheapest I managed to get it was at RMB8.8 yi jin (yi jin = 0.5kg) and this is at my regular grocery mart downstairs. I just realised that the bicycle vendor managed to rip me off previously at RMB15 yi jin. She must have been going, "There goes another *Sucker*!"

This is the first time that I get to eat fresh lychees, and I realised one thing, we would usually think that red signifies ripe and sweet lychees but the GREEN ones are super sweet! Finished yi jin at one go this afternoon, mmmm.. maybe thats why I have piled back on 1 kg. :P Anyways, I don't think I will get to enjoy this in Malaysia, so......keep it coming!!!! hehe.

And yes, Oh Woe is Me... I just realised that my dissatisfaction with certain proportions of mine has quad-multiplied (if there's such a word). No matter how hard I try to twist, turn, grind my already small ass (aka flat ass..argghhh!!!!! I am being kind to myself.. *sob*) at pole dancing...it would never look as good as the other girls. *sigh* I think I am just about to google "perky ass, how to get it.....".

I know some of you are rolling on the ground laughing by now. And probably some out of curiosity will checkout my behind in school after this post. *sigh* Its not fun though. Hmmm, if only I could get 30% of JLo's infamously USD1 million insured ass. Hmmm.....then again....there's always plastic surgery. Or should I just be satisfied with what the Lord had given me? (*Oh Lord, please be merciful and let my pole dancing pay off with a perkier ass and slender waist. Thank you, Thank you!!! I shall be forever grateful*... So much for being satisfied... haha) OK, OK... the Lord is fair. *sigh* But it doesn't mean that I can't moan and groan about it. Oh woeeeeeee....

Anyways, my un-perky ass and myself will be off to Xian tomorrow to see the Terracotta Warriors. The 7 of us will be taking the night train all the way to Xian and arrive around 7am. And one by plane to meet us in Xian. (Wo men shi *tong xue* you 6 ge shi yi yang ban. Lao shi, dui bu qi, wo men mei lai liang tian!) Thank god for the early morning sun in China. We'll probably be actively searching for good local breakfast, hopefully some nice jiao zhi, bao zhi or dim sum.

Cheers to Great Adventures! Ciao...till Monday, I'll be back! With of course, some delightful updates and pictures of our Xian adventures! Da jia, zai jian! Be safe, be happy.... =)

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