Btw, I got flowers for the first time in my life, from a GIRL! Hehe. What beautiful daisies! =) She beated me to buying them for her. Its nice to receive something for just a normal day, even if its from a gal. Anyways, 15 stalks of daisies only costs RM6 here. Just lovely! I am so waiting for the tulips to bloom. =)
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Placement exam!
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Registration Day!!!
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
15 Mar 09: Dim Sum & Artsy Fartsy 798
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
14 Mar 09: Dashilar, Slanting Street & Hou Hai Riverside
Wish I could post more pictures, I have to find some better way to do this maybe through picasa. Just taking too long.
13 Mar 09: Glorious Food & Wang Fu Jin Xiao Sek Kai
Herbal braised Pork with egg (Dung Bo), Three Type Meat Rice (Forgive my direct translation, we all know what a great Chinese linguist I am.. :P ) and Beijing Steamed Buns (Siew Long Pau). Delicious!!! All except for my Beijing Steamed Buns, rated 7/10, the skin was not as delicate as I hoped it to be. All available at the Food Court in the Malls at Oriental Plaza, at Wang Fu Jin Road, costing say around Y15, Y28, and Y10. Was surprised to find good food easily, given my previous experience through guided tours in Beijing.
Wang Fu Jin Xiao Sek Kai (Xiao Sek Kai = Small Food Street) is dotted with small eating stalls and souvenir shops. Fancy a fried grasshopper or scorpion? They have it here. It was too cold and windy to stomach anything, so taking a rain check for another fine day.
12 Mar 09: First Day in Beijing

No 2: I had still not lost all of my cooking skills, which resulted in nicely roasted ‘char siew’ (credits of taste goes to my girlfriend who had marinated it for two nights)
Travelling was something that I always imagined to love doing. But lack of money, a busy work schedule and personal commitments mostly got into the way. Only started actively travelling in the past two years. I would love like most Asians to travel to the other side of the world, the West, namely Italy, France and UK as a start. Would be great to have a nicer bed to sleep in at night instead of cramming with another 5 other weary travelers, which on the other hand, could be a fun experience. And the occasional fine dining experience which means I need hell a lot of money as well. *sob*sob*. Maybe later, if I still have any savings left.
Most people drop their jaw when I tell them that I am going to China to study Mandarin for a few months. Especially those who already learnt Chinese during their childhood. They just cannot comprehend my going over. Many ask me why do I not just do it in Malaysia. Why the sudden need to re-examine my roots? Many probably secretly think that I am just looking for an excuse to get out of the country. Haha. Not that it bothers me at all. We are all entitled to our own views in life, just don't come applying them to me, thank you!
It is time anyways, been too long overdue. My dear girlfriend had always invited me for years to come. But I always had an excuse. Truth was that I was too occupied with life, work and relationship, that I barely had time for me. This also was a challenge to me, to see if I can survive in Beijing, with so little Mandarin with me, and to see how well I can adapt and learn. I will never get the opportunity to practice so much especially in the Westernized environment that I have at home. Comfort with English had always deterred me from speaking, and of course, the occasional laughter on my “Banananess” was also a wee bit disheartening at times. Had always found Mandarin to be a beautiful but complicated language, so naturally spoken with heart.
(‘Banana’ness is a pun for “Yellow on the outside, white on the inside” for those who are clueless about what it means.)
So, another Decision made, and here I am. Challenged & surviving. Barely though. :P Am for sure, having fun exploring Beijing with my trusty cammy! Haha…no no, that’s not my main objective of going there! Really!
So, after all the good byes in Malaysia (it may seemed as if I would be leaving for years! To my gfs disappointment, it seemed I packed too small a luggage to be staying for an indefinate time. haha), here I am blogging on my experiences and travels to touch base with my dear family and friends. Something that I should have started months ago with my new found new independence. So, please excuse my not-so-savy blogging but I hope you will enjoy my photos and write ups! Cheers!!!
Quitted my job late last year and suddenly turned single. And I had thought, heck, with no sexy man and sexy job in hand, my 30s about to stare me to death, no commitments in life, some savings in hand and healthy parents to boot, what the hell am I waiting for? It’s my calling, to decide to enjoy what I currently have, and to think of what I want to do.
Envy me? Hell no! :P Or maybe do. But it was a DECISION that I made. And not an easy one to boot. Why so difficult? What was holding me back for years? I realised, I was like most typical Malaysian/ Asian.
(Note: My aspect of the “Typical Malaysian/ Asian” = hardworking citizen who wants to earn good money and works at a job that he or she maybe hates just to make a living and maybe pay off a housing commitment for the next twenty to thirty years.)
No 1: We generally are not used to not working.
I guess most Malaysians are born workaholics. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy flexing my skills in all areas and developing new ones as I go along, but it’s usually not easy to love your job. Yes, hence SEXY job, psst, sexy man too, please!!! My definitions, as I was told, on sexy, is far too varying.
And yes, I get frowned at most times when I say that I am not working. Haha. The other reaction usually is that, oh, did you hit a gold mine? Haha I wished I did.
No 2: We are not used to an uncertain future.
We have been taught that we need to plan for a better future, and to work hard at it. So we plan and plan every aspect of our life to death. Guess it’s good for the general masses, after all you can’t have the whole of Malaysia like me, suddenly dropping work to take a break, hell, there would be chaos in the country, not that there isn’t one right now, with the political and economical situation brewing back home.
But I realised, I almost always think of the next step, if Plan A doesn’t work, Plan B will come in line, then C till it works. Life was somewhat routine, and definitely too much planned. Did I really really really enjoy life? Am not too sure about that.
And it was worse, being a Malaysian WOMAN, women always have had it worse off! Arrgh. My guess is that some Men would probably kill me for this statement alone. Very recently, I had gotten thinking, that we Malaysian women probably have more society expectations on us than men, more than what we consciously ever would know.
My theory is that society segregates us Malaysian Women on an unconscious level into two categories, which I personally call them:-
(1) The Socially Accepted Attached/ Married Women who craves for family life and belonging;
(2) The Socially Dejected New Age Single Women who craves independence and financial freedom
(ok, maybe they aren’t so dejected anymore! But still…most men look at them as plain weird and scary).
Most Category 2 women actually come from Category 1 women. They evolve into Category 2 women when they are at crossroads, mostly when they realise that most men are not very reliable, and getting married is risky business. The partner that you choose may turn out to be a nightmare in the end. Marriage is no contract nowadays, easily broken, there is no real stability or guarantees that love can last and that hearts would not change. (Am not saying that you can't find love in this world. Its just tough to find lasting love. It takes a lot for two people to grow together.)
I was a Category 1 woman for years till recently. I had felt disappointment in what I felt was the most reliable relationship that I probably would ever have with a great guy and felt that I had lost direction in life. I felt suffocated and tired. A break was sorely needed, I was at crossroads, that, I had realised. So I DECIDED, I took a break from life, went on a two person holiday to Phi Phi island with a girlfriend, throwing everything out from my mind, met people, ate great food, saw great sights, laughed like I never had before, and enjoyed myself as if it was my last moments.
I, my whole solitude self had lived for just once in that short holiday. So enjoyable and renewed I felt, I went for more trips and wallowed in more me-time doing something and nothing for a few months and actually felt happy.
Although I still had not found out in detail what I really wanted, but I started to know what I didn’t want. I didn’t want to feel miserable, I didn’t want to be in an unsexy job, I didn’t want to feel that I had to rely on a relationship or my partner to be happy. Basically, I wanted to live and love everyday like it was my last day. And should the right person pop by to say hello, then it would be great but the absence of it won’t and couldn’t have stopped me from living life to the fullest.
(So enough, with the oh, u will meet a great guy soon, when is it your turn, gosh, what irritating enjoying my life right now!)
I suddenly found myself becoming a brand new Category 2 woman. And loving it. And I still wonder, why the hell didn’t I figure that out earlier, there goes my youthful years. But the funny thing is, I feel so young now and so energetic. I had always before this felt older than I was. But now…pffft…I feel like I am 23, with the world ahead of me. Strangely positive about everything except relationships. No, am far from a bitter, impassionate, old single woman. I feel great, passionate about life and meeting people! There is so much to learn, so much to do.
I want to meet people, travel, learn new cultures, learn new languages, get a tattoo, learn new skills, taste great food, photograph all that I see and experience, live healthily, laugh more, and in the journey, to open up my mind. I started challenging myself to do things that I would hesitate at, or that I was afraid to do or that I would have never have done previously.
That is what my newly acquired tattoo says. It may not be perfectly sized, or perfectly placed, but it says perfectly what is in my heart. And that is what is important to me.