Sunday 22 March 2009

Registration Day!!!

Good gods! I am up early!!!! (That doesn’t happen often, btw! :P)

Having my oh-so-healthy breakfast now, rolled oats with strawberries, kiwi and raisins dripping with calsium rich milk. Looks pretty doesn’t it? It actually tastes quite nice. Only complain my gf had was that it was too cold for her to start her already too cold day. :P

Had been having it for the past two months pretty regularly except for some days in between. Combine it with some light exercise, healthy eating (ok, not for the first week in Beijing.. :P ) and steely determination to say “no” to junk food, voila.. I have lost two kgs. Not too bad for my first two months. Now another targeted 4 kgs to go. *Groan*

Today is Registration Day! Am both excited and curious. I wonder what will happen other than me giving money to them. Will I be doing the entrance exam today? Or on Wednesday? Hmmm… sure going to get “ling kai tan” (a cantonese pun for zero), Ok, maybe not zero, but they’ll just throw me into kindergarden stage anyways.
We did drop by Uni that day, Beijing Language & Culture Uni. I felt like a small kid, with my mom in tow bringing me to uni. Mom = gf. Haha. Thank you, mommy btw. We were both concerned that I would get lost using the subway and bus. And really, on the map, it looked pretty nearby to the subway station, but in reality, it was a 8 minute taxi ride away which probably translates to a good 30 to 45 minute walk away, and pretty too damn far to walk even if it’s a nice weather.
Btw, spring is here! Weird spring for one anyways. Sometimes, its nice and warmer, no need for my great big white down feather jacket to go out in. But these days, its freezing. I can no longer wear shorts in the house. Just too cold for that. The sky looks really clear today, but yesterday was better. Its very rare as Beijing is very air polluted and looks hazy most of the time. We saw the sun on Saturday morning as a great orange yolk, and yes, we could look directly at it. Something abt its rays not being able to penetrate through all that pollution. It’s a pity, I was hoping to still catch some sunrises and sunsets. It seems air quality in Shanghai is still better than here. Anyways, here are some pretty spring blossoms caught on the grounds of my uni.

Its evidence that Life starts again, after a cold harsh winter. =)

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