Tuesday 17 March 2009


Travelling was something that I always imagined to love doing. But lack of money, a busy work schedule and personal commitments mostly got into the way. Only started actively travelling in the past two years. I would love like most Asians to travel to the other side of the world, the West, namely Italy, France and UK as a start. Would be great to have a nicer bed to sleep in at night instead of cramming with another 5 other weary travelers, which on the other hand, could be a fun experience. And the occasional fine dining experience which means I need hell a lot of money as well. *sob*sob*. Maybe later, if I still have any savings left.

Most people drop their jaw when I tell them that I am going to China to study Mandarin for a few months. Especially those who already learnt Chinese during their childhood. They just cannot comprehend my going over. Many ask me why do I not just do it in Malaysia. Why the sudden need to re-examine my roots? Many probably secretly think that I am just looking for an excuse to get out of the country. Haha. Not that it bothers me at all. We are all entitled to our own views in life, just don't come applying them to me, thank you!

It is time anyways, been too long overdue. My dear girlfriend had always invited me for years to come. But I always had an excuse. Truth was that I was too occupied with life, work and relationship, that I barely had time for me. This also was a challenge to me, to see if I can survive in Beijing, with so little Mandarin with me, and to see how well I can adapt and learn. I will never get the opportunity to practice so much especially in the Westernized environment that I have at home. Comfort with English had always deterred me from speaking, and of course, the occasional laughter on my “Banananess” was also a wee bit disheartening at times. Had always found Mandarin to be a beautiful but complicated language, so naturally spoken with heart.

(‘Banana’ness is a pun for “Yellow on the outside, white on the inside” for those who are clueless about what it means.)

So, another Decision made, and here I am. Challenged & surviving. Barely though. :P Am for sure, having fun exploring Beijing with my trusty cammy! Haha…no no, that’s not my main objective of going there! Really!

So, after all the good byes in Malaysia (it may seemed as if I would be leaving for years! To my gfs disappointment, it seemed I packed too small a luggage to be staying for an indefinate time. haha), here I am blogging on my experiences and travels to touch base with my dear family and friends. Something that I should have started months ago with my new found new independence. So, please excuse my not-so-savy blogging but I hope you will enjoy my photos and write ups! Cheers!!!

1 comment:

  1. So Mei where you finally step out of it and start learning chinese...hope that chinese chracters will not be so strange to you.

    Good luck pal..

    Wilson in Taiwan
