Wednesday 22 April 2009

Food for Thought!

Should we let life take control of us? Or do we take control of life?

Just about to pop to bed. But its just one of those moments where you start to feel philosophical about life, and just have to let it out, least you start to even dream about it. haha. I hate an unadventurous dream. Truth is, I've always had the most interesting dreams, some which obviously, I can't remember, but wake up with a pleasant feeling. Same as to which I feel about life, I would hate waking up in the morning without anything but a pleasant feeling. =)

Were there ever times when you would have an internal struggle between your heart and mind? One screaming, don't be ridiculous, stop denying yourself, let me out, let me feel, let me live!! And the other screaming out even louder, listen to reason, there's no point in doing things that have no meaning or future!!!

Will the heart concede, lie back and let the mind take control? Or will the mind heed to what its heart is softly telling it to. Somehow, in the middle of the battle, the dust settles, and clarity always regains consciousness. I can't tell for sure how many battles that the mind has won, but it truly is powerful. Sometimes it persuades us with reason that our actions are right, and so, sometimes they are. But the other times, when they are not, and we have ourselves persuaded that it is, things do also go terribly wrong. And all that is left, is the strength within ourselves to clean up after, be it a broken heart, body and battered soul.

Who will win? Its anybody's guess. Mine included. :P For the moment now, I choose neither. I wonder if inaction means that the heart concedes? haha. God only knows.

All I know is that I want to live fully now...embrace life in all that it is....happiness, pain, sorrow, joy, laughter... Afterall, what is life if we are not living. :)

Wooo...I am getting philosophical, and good at it too. :) Anyways, my battered mind wants a good rest before the next battlefield in the classroom. *yes, some will hate me for saying that. The b**** isn't even working her ass off anymore, what a life!* Yeah, I know, still loving it. :P Anyways, goodnight world, thank you for showing me one of the many beautiful days in store. =)

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