Tuesday 7 April 2009

Many Happy Returns of the Day, Yvonne! :)

Just thought that I did send out my love to my dear girlfriend in Malaysia...

"Happy XX Birthday, Girl! =) Owe you one great celebration when I get back! Promise you'll have fun. Tell me what ya want? Stripper guys in your party? haha, just joking. Anyways, at least I personally guarantee the "better-than-sex-cake" and my lovely company (ahem! :P) in our dinner appointment when I get back!"

Hope that you enjoyed your day, dear! *muaks*muaks*

With much much love, Mei!

"Every cloud has its silver lining. The day that you think that life as you know has ended, it has just only really begun. All the trials and tribulations that you have standing before you will only make you stronger at the end. Just have the courage to face them and a strong determination to overcome them and yourself. Stand tall, my dear. Believe in yourself, have patience and you shall triumph."

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