Wednesday 15 April 2009

My Whining Day!

Yes, its just one of those damn days which thank god is almost over. But I still haven't done my homework. :(

Its the first day where I missed school and spent most of my hours curled up in bed. Should be fun right? Day off with loads of time on my hands? *tutttttttt* Damn wrong. Not when you're in pain.

I hate being weak and pathetic. Yesterday, my body was already signalling to me all the way through school and after that there was something wrong. Attributed it to a lack of sleep and a sore throat which I knew would usually later on give way to fever first then coughing later. So, I listened and went to bed early. And woke up at midnight with one of those most damning stomachaches, the type that hurts so much that it even appears in your dreams. Most girls would know what I mean.

I usually won't blog about this. Its taboo to even usually mention it anywhere. When our lives stop because of this, we women would usually lie through our teeth and just make another excuse about being sick instead of saying it as it was. But what the hell, today, I'll damn hell write about anything that I please seeing as to its my blog and then lie about it later the next day. :P Sorry, its really a whining day. I know, its pathetic but I don't do this often. I'll try to make it as short and as painless (to the guys) as possible.

It's not fun being a female contrary to what most men think. No female anticipates those monthly pains with happiness. And the only way we can escape it is by being pregnant. Huh, great choices god gave to us, either choose pain or choose an enlarging belly which then again will equate to pain when the time is up! Hmmm, the part where they say that women can withstand pain better than men, what a load of bullshit, we withstand pain better because we have NO CHOICE to. Its ridiculous as to how much pain we need to withstand.

Sharing with my friend as to the many days that I wished that I was the opposite sex, she asked, "So how are you going to be able to take childbirth?" My response,"I think death is a better option for me." Yeah, so therefore, again once confirming my responses on pro-creating for the world. Why the heck do I need to do it? Yes, I do love children BUT there are others out there already doing it for me. :P Let me enjoy what's left of a pleasurable life.

So guys, if you have a sister, a wife or a girlfriend who's having that first day of the month, be the wiser one and do those small little but significant things for her. Eg. Run around getting her hot water and a panadol, preparing a hot water bottle for her, or making her some hot soup, or giving her a long hug and settling dinner for her. You'll definitely be in her good books for a long time later. (Aih, this is one of the reasons why I miss my ex! He is a good man.)

On a totally separate note. Yeah, I know how wierd that sounds after my whining write up. :P

The weather is changing here. Its supposed to be a much shorter spring here, eg. a month which is too short. The white big flowers that I used to see in Uni has faded and dropped to the ground. But there are different nice looking ones that crop up. This is the best pic that I can take without my dslr. White flowers that can turn into pink ones.

I know now roughly how the weather here works. The great things about staying with my gf is that you can actually hear the wind at night if there is any. If there is wind and some shaking of the window, it means that the next day will be a clear and cold day which is more than welcomed but not today when I can't get out. Arrgh. But anyways, it was snowing cotton just a few days ago. Fascinating. Snowing cotton. As I sit in class, I can actually see white specs of cotton flying past our windows and also flying in once we opened them. It gets into everything. Breath and you're literally breathing it in, talk and yes, you start eating it. =) Can vaguely remember this happening in Kazakhstan but not so much. Anyways, I wonder if it will snow cotton again tomorrow. =)

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